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Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji pokazało nową odsłonę portalu z danymi publicznymi - Masz pomysł jak go ulepszyć? Weź udział w Hackathonie - nowa strona danych i stwórz narzędzia, które ułatwią korzystanie z otwartych danych.
Inside Trends CEE The most meaningful conference in CEE about the future trends that would impact your business.
Cyber Academy The conference focuses on showing current opportunities and threats resulting from the development of new technologies.
innoSHARE'18 Global congress for scientific talents, R&D startups&SME, business experts, key opinion leaders and innovation enthusiasts.
Impact CEE is the most forward-looking events in Central Eastern Europe, unlocking the future of economy and digitalization.
Polish Chemical Congress is one of the most important events in polish chemical industry and perfect occasion to exchange experiences, present innovative ideas and strategy for the industry.