The Digital Poland Foundation is making changes to its management. Igor Zacharjasz became the new Chairman of the Foundation's Board, and Michał Boni, former Minister of Digitalisation, took over as President of the Board. The goal is to strengthen the Foundation's activities in the area of innovation, digital transformation and the education and improvement of digital competences of Poles. The new management emphasises the need for collaboration, investment in education and accelerating the digital transformation of Polish companies. Cooperation at all levels - from entrepreneurs to public institutions - will be crucial for Poland to take full advantage of the upcoming technological opportunities.
⛵ Imagine a sunny Adriatic coast, interesting discussions about AI by the sea, networking with experts, and lots of meeting with many representatives of brilliant startups and innovative companies pushing the boundaries of AI. In our opinion, it's a great perfect combination of business and pleasure 😁 🌴
This year's Digital Champions CEE 2024 ranking of the 100 largest technology companies shows that Poland has maintained its leadership position in terms of company value, with a share of more than 38% of total capitalisation. With the ongoing war in Ukraine, interest in security and cyber-security companies, as well as dual-use technologies, has increased significantly. Artificial intelligence is no longer just a fashionable buzzword and has become a key element of growth and transformation in many industries, creating new opportunities and challenges for digital champions in the region.
Już po raz szósty ogłosiliśmy listę laureatów prestiżowego wyróżnienia Digital Shapers. Tegoroczni zdobywcy tego tytułu to wybitni liderzy, innowatorzy i wizjonerzy, którzy swoją działalnością przyczyniają się do cyfrowej transformacji i rozwoju nowoczesnych technologii nie tylko w Polsce, ale i na świecie.
We are delighted to announce that the foundation was honoured with the award for the best financial education initiative at the 12th edition of the Cashless Congress!
It is high time to recognise outstanding Poles for their digital contributions. Digital Poland Foundation would like to invite you to a unique Thursday Gathering event, which will take place on 6 June 2024 at Venture Café Warsaw. The theme of the gathering will be "DIGITAL SHAPERS & ARS: THE AI EXPERIENCE SESSIONS".
Od początku stycznia trwa nabór do szóstej edycji Digital Shapers, inicjatywy organizowanej przez Fundację Digital Poland, która ma na celu wyróżnienie i uhonorowanie liderów cyfryzacji w Polsce. Na listę Digital Shapers co roku trafiają osoby przyczyniające się do cyfryzacji polskiej gospodarki, dzięki którym kraj na arenie międzynarodowej postrzegany jest jako innowacyjny. Digital Shapers, to liderzy w swoich kategoriach – zweryfikowani i docenieni przez branżę, w której działają.